What we believe shapes who we become.
Our Statement of Beliefs
We believe in God and God believes in us. We are committed to demonstrating a passionate love for God that is demonstrated by an overwhelming love for people. Mosaic Church believes that Jesus wasn’t mistaken when he continually connected our love for God with our love for people. The two are intrinsically linked. If our love for God doesn’t translate into love for people, something is missing.
What we believe.
About God.
We believe that there is one God, who exists in three persons- the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe they are eternal- having no beginning or end (Matthew 3:16-17, 1 Timothy 1:17, 1 John 5:20).
We believe that Jesus Christ is God. We believe that he lived a life free from sin and that, through his death, he took the penalty for our sins and paid the debt that we could not pay (John 1:1-3, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8).
We believe that the Holy Spirit is our comforter, healer, and guide. He conveys the grace of God to us, while also revealing the sin in our lives. He empowers us to live the lives that God has called us to live.
About the Scriptures.
We consider the Bible as our sacred Scriptures, revealing who God is and who we are. We believe the Bible always accomplishes what it sets out to do (2 Timothy 3:16), giving us the way to life now and in eternity.
We also believe that Jesus is the focal point of all Scripture, that all that the Scriptures that were written before him point to him (John 5:39). We believe that not only is Jesus the foundation of our sacred text, but that he is the lens through which we read all of the Bible. As the complete revelation of God (Hebrews 1:1-3), it is Jesus himself that is the true Word of God. As God reminds Jesus’ closest followers, “This is my Son, my Chosen One. Listen to him” (Luke 9:35, NLT). Therefore, we strive to examine how everything in Scripture points us back to Jesus and aim to live out even the most difficult of Jesus’ teachings contained within these pages.
About Humanity.
We believe that all people (yes all!) were created in the image of God. All humans were created to have full and complete relationship with Him and all humans are still invited into that relationship. Though we consistently fail to live up to God’s standards (Romans 3:23), we trust that Jesus has accomplished and continues to accomplish the work reconciling the world to himself (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
About Redemption & Salvation.
We believe that because of His sacrifice, through His death on the cross, and resurrection, that Jesus defeated the powers of darkness, loosened the chains of humanity, and instituted new creation for not just all people, but for all of creation. We believe that the God of love offers the free gift of forgiveness of their sins (Romans 6:23) - not through any efforts of our own. This gift means that we will have a life that never ends through Jesus. This gift means that we can be reconciled to God, restoring our relationship with him.
About Our Hope.
We believe that through Jesus, we are given the gift of eternal life. While the Bible talks about heaven, we believe that heaven is only part of the equation. Our hope is not in a hope of someday existing in heaven. It is part of our hope, but not our primary hope. We believe Jesus taught us to embrace the Kingdom of God now (Matthew 6:10) while looking ahead to the restoration of all things (Acts 3:21).
Jesus tells his followers that he will return to set all things right, restoring heaven and earth and completing the work that began in his earthly ministry (2 Peter 3:13). Even better, he promises literal, physical resurrection to humanity and full restoration to his creation on that day. God will then dwell with humanity on earth, completing his vision for creation (Revelation 21:3-4)
About the Christian Life.
We believe that through a relationship with Jesus Christ, we are made new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Because of this, followers of Jesus are empowered to live for Him and not for themselves. By living in obedience to God's Word and yielding each day to His Spirit, every believer should mature and become more like Christ every day.
Humanity was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). We believe that we are because of this, people have inherent value. We are called to work for the benefit of others, serving people in real and tangible ways (Philippians 2:3-11) to demonstrate the insurmountable love of God to them.
We believe that the true measure of the Christian life is in the way that we embody the teachings of Jesus, particularly those demonstrated in Matthew 5-7. Jesus himself illustrates that the measure by which we are considered true followers of Jesus is by the way that we love the unloveable, serve the least of these, and provide for the lowly (Matthew 25:31-46). We take Jesus at his word and strive to treat all humans with love and dignity.