Our Vision
Becoming Masterpieces Together
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
- Ephesians 2:10
Mosaics are masterpieces created out of broken pieces, works of art that demonstrate beauty in the ordinary or even the discarded. Stained glass windows are beautiful, complex creations using broken, smaller pieces. Not only are stained glass windows beautiful, light shines through and casts a beautiful shadow on whatever it touches.
Mosaic Church believes that you are loved and valued, not because of what you’ve done but because of who you are. So much of life screams that to be valued we must be a certain way, contribute a certain way, look a certain way, or do a certain thing.
But we believe that God created us to be masterpieces, placing his own image within us. That image means that we are inherently valuable. We don’t have to work for the gift we have already been given.
Mosaic Church is dedicated to showing you how to embrace the masterpiece that God has created you to be. We believe that God is the God of second (and third and fourth…) chances, that he can transform any life. There is no canvas he can’t bring beauty out of, no life that can’t be redeemed, no person who is not valued.
We invite you to come and hear about the story that God speaks over you, a story of love and value, of redemption and wholeness. It’s a story that says that you are more than you imagined. It’s a story that he invites you to trust and embrace.