“He humbled you by letting you go hungry; then He gave you manna to eat, which you and your fathers had not known, so that you might learn that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” - Deuteronomy 8:3 (Quoted by Jesus in Luke 4:4)
2020 was not the year any of us expected, but it’s the year we got. We realized how vulnerable we are and, at times, how powerless we are. As we enter 2021, then, it is more necessary than ever to rethink our lives’ habits and patterns.
Jesus understood that the life he has called us to is daunting, that we cannot expect to live the lives he has called us to alone. That is why he spent considerable time teaching and modeling prayer. He instructed his followers to mirror his attitudes and actions, seeking God’s presence and power.
Prayer and fasting is something that too many of us take for granted today. For years, if not generations, we have assumed that we can be fully self-reliant. If one good thing came of 2020, it’s breaking this myth. We need others. And we need God. Breaking our ambivalence to prayer is something that we must break.
That’s why I’m inviting you to join me in 21 days of prayer and fasting, to reaffirm our reliance on God. Prayer is a declaration of words, fasting is the intentional self-denial that reminds us of our commitment.
Each week we will have a booklet like this that will challenge your prayer life, as well as encourage you to journal your thoughts, feelings, and responses to the Scriptures we read and the prayers we prayer.
“This my God is my prayer. Draw me from Your fire, form me on Your anvil, shape me with Your hands and let me be Your tool.” - Max Lucado
The first week’s booklet includes information about the concept of prayer and fasting, including some tips on how to enter this season, why it is important, and the expected outcomes.
We even have playlists available to help you embrace this season (on Spotify and YouTube, embedded below).
It will not be easy; this is a call to reorient your life around something new and different, but it is a challenge that will humble, inspire, challenge, and empower you.
Regardless of the kind of fast you choose to engage in, whether it is continuous, periodic (on certain days of the week), believe that God can and will use this time to reveal himself to you and renew your passion for him and his church!
Cheering You On,
Pastor Jordon